Monday, March 18, 2024

ModelState.Clear vs TryValidateModel(manageModel)


`ModelState.Clear()` and `TryValidateModel(manageModel)` are both methods commonly used in ASP.NET Core applications to manage model validation.

1. `ModelState.Clear()`: This method is used to clear any model state errors that have been added to the `ModelState` dictionary. In ASP.NET Core, `ModelState` is a dictionary-like object that holds information about the state of model binding and validation for a given request. It stores information about model properties and their validation errors. Calling `ModelState.Clear()` removes all existing validation errors, effectively resetting the model state to a clean state.

2. `TryValidateModel(manageModel)`: This method is used to manually trigger model validation for a specified model object (`manageModel` in this case). By calling `TryValidateModel(manageModel)`, you are instructing ASP.NET Core to validate the specified model object against any validation rules defined in its associated data annotations or custom validation logic. If validation succeeds, the method returns `true`, indicating that the model is valid. If validation fails, the method returns `false`, and any validation errors are added to the `ModelState` dictionary.

In summary, `ModelState.Clear()` is used to clear any existing model state errors, while `TryValidateModel(manageModel)` is used to manually trigger model validation for a specific model object. These methods are often used together to ensure that model validation is performed correctly in ASP.NET Core applications.

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