Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Joomla or Wordpress

Doing some web site revamp recently, and amazed by the easiness and friendless of making website and there are so many nice templates you could choose, too many choice.

Looks Word press is very popular and I did get one for one of my clients, and will make it ready for themselves to update the content. For Joomla, was working with it before, and seems more complicated and powerful than Word press.

For my next project, I would like to choose Joomla if I could get the template I like. Now start to clean our hosting site stuff, so many blog/forum when I was testing. I would like to have one good forum package well support multiple languages such as English and Chinese.

Over all, here is a nice way to decide if you have difficult to choose which one:
(picture from http://www.sitepoint.com/ and thanks!)

Just now working on 2 templates, one is WordPress, one is Joomla, WordPress is OK to apply the dump.sql, but Joomla is a pain when dealing with different version. If I have time, I will definitely create my own template instead of buying. The version compatibility of Joomla is sure a pain.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Confucius and Confusion

Sounds really funny, since I was very young I am a confused boy, very puzzled and bewildered, but never lost for what I want.

I am confused by the life, the meaning of life, and think the world is full of confusion. That's why I picked confusion as my nick. Then I tried to find the adjective for confusion and I don't like confusional(?), so I decided to use confusious(even though no such word), then people are thinking I was wrong and should be confucius. Well, should I change this to the famous ancient great Master Kong? Let me know your answer:)

Confucius Says (子曰)is so profound, and let's review the Top 10 quotes from Master Kong (so many and I just pick what I like:):

Just a thought: I have to say sorry to Master Kong, since in the end he was confused and failed. The Only savior is Our Lord! Don't you agree?!

1. “Never impose on others what you would not choose for yourself.”


2. “Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.”


3. “Keep what you say and carry out what you do.”

4. “A gentleman sets strict demands on himself while a petty man set strict demands on others.”


5. “The Superior Man is aware of Righteousness, the inferior man is aware of advantage.”


6. “The gentleman wishes to be slow in speech but quick in action.”

7. “When I walk along with two others, they may serve me as my teachers.”


8. “He who learns but does not think, is lost. He who thinks but does not learn is in great danger.”


9. “He that would perfect his work must first sharpen his tools.”


10. “If you look into your own heart, and you find nothing wrong there, what is there to worry about? What is there to fear?”


Is it not delightful to have friends coming from distant quarters?

Friday, March 1, 2013


Very handy Listagg Function
During my daily routine, I constantly need to display multiple values for single row, I have to write a few lines of code until the LISTAGG function!
Description of listagg.gif follows
Examples from oracle
The following single-set aggregate example lists all of the employees in Department 30 in the hr.employees table, ordered by hire date and last name:
SELECT LISTAGG(last_name, '; ') WITHIN GROUP (ORDER BY hire_date, last_name) "Emp_list",
    MIN(hire_date) "Earliest"
    FROM employees
    WHERE department_id = 30;

Emp_list                                                     Earliest
------------------------------------------------------------ ---------
Raphaely; Khoo; Tobias; Baida; Himuro; Colmenares            07-DEC-02