Playing website is my hobby since year 2000 when we set up an IT company. It's interesting to try to stay current while my daily job is mainly database stuff:). So I keep revamping my website from WordPress, Joomla, now Drupal, just to learning some new stuff.
Imaging 2000 until now, how the technology changed. It only takes 10 minutes to have a good, professional looking website and so many free themes you could choose. I had some popular Drupal themes, but I had problem to make the rotating banners working....
Documentation! Documentation! I had to be patient to read carefully on the documentation. Sometimes I was just lazy to read :(((. I missed whole bunch modules and now I would like to share those steps from Drupal site(
"Rotating Banners requires two other modules and a pair of scripts to function.
The dependent modules are Media,, and Styles,
The two server scripts are jquery.cycle.all.min.js and jquery.easing.1.3.js.
The first script can be downloaded here:
Once you download it, rename it to jquery.cycle.js.
The second can be downloaded here:
Once you download it, rename it to jquery.easing.js.
Install rotating Banners through the Administration/Modules page.
Then copy both scripts to the following directory: …/sites/all/modules/rotating_banner/includes/.
This will create an interface in the Admin/Structure/Blocks menu."
Basically we need media, style, and 2 jQuery scripts, and media needs Ctools module! I totally missed Requirement section! I am thinking I am close to retirement:(
The weird thing I found after installing Rotating Banners/Ctools, some modules got unchecked such as Toolbar, Locale etc., so I had to enable them again.